Notes on software, building products, and other stuff.
All of my thoughts on programming, building products, leadership, photography, and other random stuff. Not structured.
Syntax terminal sequelize yang perlu diingat
sequelize adalah orm yang biasa aku pake bareng mysql
Percobaan Docker - Build Dev Prod
Pakai docker biar mempermudah hidup bersosial
BIOME JS - Si paling cepat nge-format JS (katanya)
95% katanya lebih cepet dari prettier karena dibuat pake rust
My mentor tell me about single-spa
Let's get to know single-spa first, starting from the simple, because I haven't tried them all
HTML vs XML : Decoding the Basic Web's Language
In the grand web narrative, HTML and XML are the dynamic duo, each playing a crucial role.
To Meta Tag or Not to Meta Tag: A Casual Coder's Dilemma
The use of meta tags in the header makes the website known to search engines
Why I Drop JavaScript in the Body, Not the Head
Which place is suitable for placing JavaScript scripts in HTML?
Awalnya Hanya Iseng Tapi Jadi Suka 😁
Ternyata sudah mengenal kode sejak di pondok pesantren. Ga nyangka sampai sekarang makin suka dan kecanduan ngoding.